The BBC's motormouth motoring maverick strikes again. Promoting Top Gear in Australia, Jeremy Clarkson said...
"He (Kevin Rudd, Australias PM) genuinely looked terrified. The poor man, he's actually seen the books.
"(In the UK)we've got this one-eyed Scottish idiot.
"He keeps telling us everything's fine and he's saved the world and we know he's lying, but he's smooth at telling us."
"He (Kevin Rudd, Australias PM) genuinely looked terrified. The poor man, he's actually seen the books.
"(In the UK)we've got this one-eyed Scottish idiot.
"He keeps telling us everything's fine and he's saved the world and we know he's lying, but he's smooth at telling us."
Now Clarkson IS a twat, and deserves a lot of the brickbats he is going to get for the one-eyed Scottish part - jeez he is perceptive. But to call for his head, its really a but passe. We seem to have lost any perspective on anything contriversial that is uttered by any employee of the BBC. I wonder if there are so many sensitive souls out there, why the torches are not out for Guido Fawkes, who's insults for our dear leader range from "One-Eyed son of the manse" to just simply "Prime Mentalist".
Completely agree with him over the last part though.
UPDATE: 22:20 - Just seen the full quote, strangely he retracts the "idiot" part but not the one -eyed Scottish part. Bit of a brain fade there.
Trust me, the rabble are always looking for me torches in hand.