Tuesday, 12 May 2009


There's not really an awful lot else to say about the current expenses scandal. There is a couple of things which do occur to me though.

Firstly, what planet do MPs think they exist on? Even before the current economic difficulties, the claims were akin to 'spoiled children grabbing sweeties'. Claiming on helipads, leaking tennis courts and the cleaning of moats is just as bad as claiming on dog food and nappies! That's before we come to the "art" of flipping. Those MPs should be prosecuted for fraud!

Secondly, I am sure that there will be former MPs huddled in bars and gentlemens clubs bemoaning the fact that the current occupants of the House of Commons have brought Parliament into some sort of disrepute, simply due to the fact that they got caught! How useless must they be to have been exposed - shaking their heads as they sup on their gins.

Sorry, couldn't help but put the excerpt of Foulkes up, just shows that they don't live on the same planet as the rest of us...

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