Friday, 23 October 2009

All You Fascists Bound To Lose

Though It was difficult to differentiate between the real Fascists and the Socialist Workers Against Racism mob or whatever they’re called, the leader of the BNP Nick Griffin did manage to get on to Question Time tonight. As someone looking to see Griffin hang himself with his twisted rhetoric, I was a tad disappointed.

There were a couple of reasons for this. As discussed at the time of the European Elections, the BNP are probably the best proponents of the “art” of spin in this country, this is an unmentioned factor in their “victory”. This seemed to extend to their Leader’s responses, which at times was evasive but seemed to get himself out of trouble at key moments. The other reason was that, apart from the dignified Bonnie Greer, the other panellists were way below par. Jack Straw in any debate is about as useful as a wet fish anyway, and the Tory wasn’t much better. Chris Huhne was the big looser here though as his ideas came very much second place behind attacking Griffin.

That really was the problem. The panellists were pre-occupied with attacking Griffin, and in a scattergun fashion. They didn’t focus on their own thoughts and answers. If they had, Griffin would have been left to destroy himself. The BBC were absolutely right to invite Griffin on to Question Time, I just wish the rest of the panellists had taken the opportunity on offer to expose Griffin properly.


  1. Well said Allan.

    I was looking forward to the program so that the other guests would rip Griffin to bits but nah, it never happened.

    The panel was weak and a bit tartish in substance.

    " As someone looking to see Griffin hang himself with his twisted rhetoric, I was a tad disappointed"

  2. AMW

    After a bit of distance from the event, i think that's probably even more the case. The only new nugget we got was that he is no now longer a holocaust denyer and err thats it really.

    I think that had the programme been more the normal format rather than the "BNP Special" it turned into, Griffin would have had more room to implecate himself.

  3. Allan..

    Spot on.. I ken its not funny but i did giggle when David Dumblebay ticked Griffin off for laughing when he asked him about his denial over the holocaust.

    The guy is just so repulsive and how anyone can say the slaughter of millions of innocent people did not happen is beyond belief.
    "I think that had the programme been more the normal format rather than the "BNP Special" it turned into, Griffin would have had more room to implecate himself."

    Allan, most people are saying the same!! Missed opportunity if ever i saw one!!
